Im Blog von Palimpsest wird über ein „MUJI Pencil Making Kit“ berichtet, mit dem man Bleistifte selbst herstellen kann:

Far from Palimpsest to resist a pencil making kit, especially when it comes in the very affordable price of £3.99. The pencil kit in question is on sale in MUJI, the well-know Japanese chain which offers anything from erasers to beds. It comes in the characteristic MUJI cardboard box with an English label „Sawdust Clay – Make Your Own Pencil Set Kit Creator“ and 17 bullet-point instructions at the back in… Japanese. Those not able to read have to make do with six (6) pictures.


(c) Blog Palimpsest



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  1. Heike sagt:

    Lustige Sache.

    Ich finde es fein, dass ihr wieder zurück seid. Gutes neues Jahr euch drei Blogger!

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