feltandwire.com berichtete über das Buch Fingerprint 2: The touch of the hand in contemporary design und führte ein Interview mit den Machern. Der Inhalt beschäftigt in erster Linie mit Papierobjekten:

[…] Paper is by and large the medium of choice in Fingerprint 2, and that must be by design. The content of your new book is almost all print work, isn’t it? I would say about 95%. We do showcase a couple of websites, but even there, it’s about how materials come into play. This really is the crux of what we’re trying to do with the Fingerprint series — to remind people that the connection with our material environment is what humans crave in the end. […]

Fingerprint No. 2: The Evolution of Handmade Elements in Graphic Design (Werbelink) ist für knapp 32 EUR auch bei amazon.de zu bekommen.

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