Ob aus diesem Poem Cup der Kaffee besonders gut schmeckt?  Es handelt sich dabei um eine Keramikkasse mit Stifthalter, entworfen von  Katarina Häll:


“I’ve got a box of letters; envelopes containing folded sheets of paper with sentences written down on them, for me. Various styles of handwriting, from different times, some envelopes with hearts drawn on them, others with illustrations of things which have happened. Together in the box, they remind me of bygone times, of friendships and loves, thoughts from the past. Most of all they bring back another era, a slower one, with less stress and obligations, the feeling of losing something in between the keys of the computer keyboard: the value of just sitting down with a cup of coffee and a pen in hand.”
Working around the clock, cell phones in the middle of the night, googling this and that. How do we reconcile our physical needs with our virtual bodies? Katarina Häll’s graduation project from Beckmans School of Design is a comment on a world spinning faster and faster. The Poem Cup offers a moment of reflection, a meditative break in the rush of everyday life.

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