Schnittchen Online leitete mich zu Hockey Croquis, die sich auf Zeichenblöcke für Modedesigner spezialisiert haben.
[…] High quality design stationary that is fun, functional and fashionable! Whether you’re a fashion pro or aspiring designer, you can quickly create professional quality flat sketches of your imaginative designs. […]
Mode im Notizbuch ist nichts ungewöhnliches, spätestens wenn man fashionary – das Notizbuch für den Modedesigner kennt. Tamar Daniel machte aus der Not eine Tugend, als sie Hockey Croquis schuf:
It’s always seemed strange to me that Fashion Design as a long-standing industry has never really had its own tools. I had a great idea that I thought would be immensely useful to fellow designers. So I set to work finalizing my first product and created Hokey Croquis, a business dedicated to innovating tools specific to fashion design. […]
Die Presseliste kann sich sehen lassen, ebenso wie die Produkte:
Our fun, functional and one-of-a-kind Fashionflat Sketchpad is the must-have tool for aspiring and professional fashion designers. This 40-page pad contains preprinted, proportional female croquis outlines that disappear on photocopying or scanning so you can effortlessly create professional, accurate flats of your imaginative designs. […]
Das Buch kostet ca. 15 US $.
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