Archiv für die Kategorie »stifflexible «

Leser Roger hatte mir, wie berichtet, eine große Liste an Linktipps gemailt. Neben den MiquelRius Büchern von gestern, war darunter auch der Hinweis auf die STIFFLEXIBLE NOTEBOOKS:

[…] Stifflexible was born in 1992. Giuliano Mazzuoli’s idea takes inspiration from a binding system used in an ancient book (circa 1700) that was shown to him in an old Florentine library. The precious volume had many pages so it had to have a robust cover that was able to hold its contents over time and it also had to be easily consultable. In response to these requirements a stiff but flexible cover was developed. Giuliano Mazzuoli uses this ancient but still relevant technique and calls it “Stifflexible” because of its “stiff” but “flexible” characteristic. […] Our products are completely Made in Italy and made manually in the province of Florence with prestigious papers that have ECF certification and that come from managed forests while the cardboard covers are made by material that is completely recycled. It is even possible to make the Stifflexible notebooks and agenda books with ecological paper that is Tree Free and made only with fi bers of renewable plants like cotton or cannabis so as to make the product even more eco-sustainable. […]

Die Bücher haben zwei Falten im Einband, mit denen man das Buch „aufbiegen“ kann, ohne den Einband zu beeinträchtigen. Ich weiß nicht genau, was das bringen soll, aber es scheint viele Fans zu geben.
Die Bücher gibt es auch individualisiert. Einen großen Testbericht mit vielen Bildern findet ihr bei

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