Scout Books ist ein Notizbuchhersteller, der mir im Web selten begegnet. Neulich stieß ich aber auf den Artikel Countdown to 2014 #1: DIY Calendar Box, in dem das DIY Calendar Notebook Box Set vorgestellt wird:
[…] Our spanking new DIY Calendar notebooks have blank chipboard covers and enough day planner-style pages to record or plan a full month. Use these handy little notebooks to create a daily logbook or short diary, schedule daily activities, or keep track of healthy eating and exercising.
The blank cover is perfect for DIY customization. Page one shows a month view, and pages 2–32 have a subtle design for daily notes. All content is left blank for you to fill as you please.
Each box set holds 12 notebooks, and is just perfect for archiving a full year of content and plans! […]
Knapp 23 USD kostet das Set und neben dem Kalenderset gibt es auch noch andere DIY Varianten und Sets.
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