Aerial Bold: Kickstart the Planetary Search for Letterforms!, ein verrücktes Projekt bei Kickstarter:

[…] Aerial Bold is the first map and typeface of the earth. We will find earth’s alphabet shapes and make a new font and dataset for you! […]

Das Projekt sammelt Geld, um aus der Topographie der Erde eine Typographie zu machen. Luftbilder sollen nach Buchstabenformen durchsucht werden und daraus soll ein Zeichensatz entstehen:

[…] Aerial Bold is the first map and typeface of the earth. The project is literally about „reading“ the earth for letterforms, or alphabet shapes, „written“ into the topology of buildings, roads, rivers, trees, and lakes. To do this, we will traverse the entire planet’s worth of satellite imagery and develop the tools and methods necessary to map these features hiding in plain sight.

The entire letterform database will be made available as a “usable” dataset for any of your art/design/science/textual projects and selected letterforms will be made into a truetype/opentype font format that can be imported to your favorite word processor. […]

Verrückte Geschichte und nicht weit weg von der Finanzierung.

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