(via notcot) Sehr ungewöhnliche Kunst hat der japanische Student Minami Arai präsentiert: Tracing Acton | Minami Arai on the lost art of the written word:

[…] In a fascinating installation, artist and student Minami Arai uses books and wires to illuminate the lost art of the written word. “Before typewriters there was the written word,” says Arai in a statement. “The text would trace the action of writing , offering glimpses of the author’s personality current state of mind.” In “Tracing Action” Arai uses thick wire and to recreate an elevated text from her favorite books. It’s as if the text is rising off the page and being brought to life. […]

Bei Spoon&Tamago findet ihr tolle Fotos der Kunstwerke, die mir spontan sehr sympathisch sind. Anschauen lohnt, denn die kleinen Wunderwerke können durchaus Anregungen für eigene Kreative Experimente geben.

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