behance ist eine Fundgrube sondergleichen. Neuerdings wieder mit help save paper. Dort werden Arbeiten vorgestellt, die aus dem help save paper Projekt hervorgingen. Das Projekt hat eine eigene Homepage:
This is a story about death. Almost. For sure, it begins with death, which gives birth to many things: Fear, ingenuity and life.
Once upon a time, paper was an important aspect of every part of our lives. It gave us privacy when it was a screen, it sheltered us from rain as an umbrella. It was an expression of artistry in the hands of skilled paper-makers.
Thanks to digital proliferation, paper’s numerous variants and breeds are dying out, leaving only the dull A4 copier paper, most commonly found in offices. In such dire straits, we’ve called on twelve individuals from all artistic disciplines to create an object using only paper – to create things of beauty, things of usefulness or anything else they can imagine, as long as it elevates the status of paper – from a surface for printing, to a versatile medium of brilliant creativity.
Eine tolle Idee, die mich an die Motivation von re-note erinnert, über das ich vor kurzem berichtet habe. Doch zurück zu behance. Dort findet ihr sehr, sehr schöne Kunstobjekte aus Papier. Unbedingt anschauen!
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