In CANZONI INVISIBILI: AN AUDIO-VISUAL HYBRID präsentiert Moleskine seine Vinyl-Notizbuch-Kombination:

[…] A vinyl as a notebook, a notebook as a vinyl. Music, texts, illustrations and graphics come together, created by 20 different artists from around the world who specialize in practices as diverse as dance, film, electronic music, jazz, song-writing, poetry, illustration and visual art. A Moleskine notebook, a 7″ vinyl and an online repository form Canzoni Invisibili/Invisible Songs; a wide-reaching project conceived by Alessandro Cremonesi (La Crus) and Lagash (Marlene Kuntz) to celebrate the Italian writer Italo Calvino. 10 novels have been reimagined, taking his interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to heart through free interpretations and responses. […]

Es geht also um den Schriftsteller Italo Calvino (Werbelink), von dem ich u.a. das Buch Der Baron auf den Bäumen (Werbelink) empfehlen kann. Im Moleskine Artikel findet ihr viele Bilder der Vinyl-Notizbuch-Kombi. Das obligatorische Moleskine Video findet ihr bei YouTube.

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