Das Fountain-Peen-Geeks-Blog berichtete neulich über einen außergewöhnlichen Moleskine-Hack. Wie ihr im Bild sehen könnt, wurde das Moleskine zu einem Stifthalter umfunktioniert:
However, I did come across one of the coolest uses for a notebook I’ve ever seen: a case that holds your writing instruments in a vertical orientation. This would allow very easy access in a backpack, purse, or messenger bag. It does involve chopping up your notebook and making it completely unusable as its intended purpose, but then it wouldn’t really be a hack otherwise. While I would never think about doing this to my Star Wars Moleskine I would do it if I received a regular Moleskine as a gift. What about you? Anyone eager to slice and dice one of their Moleskines?
Ähnliche Artikel in der gleichen Kategorie:
- Der lächerlichste Notizbuchhack
- Blogempfehlung: Weekly Moleskine
- Wie man ein iPhone in einem Notizbuch versteckt
- Leserhack: Stifthalter und Haltegummi am X17
- Neues Monogramm für Moleskine