Bei design milk sah ich eben die Sweet Letters by Aranxa Esteve and Lucía Rallo. Die Firma m-inspira hatte diese tolle Idee für eine Werbekampagne.
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Durch das Anthology Magazine bin ich auf Elsa Mora aufmerksam geworden, die kleine Bücher bastelt. Ihre Bücher in Miniaturform erzählen eigene Geschichte und sind wunderbar anzuschauen:
Hier gehts zu ihrer Homepage.
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Der Kalender von Poketo kann beliebig begonnen werden:
Open dated so you can fill in the dates as you go. You can start using this any time. Skip a week and start again! Different illustrations for each page with just as much room for creativity as appointment tracking–this planner shows that even in a tech-savvy culture, some things are better appreciated when hand-written.
The Clover planner is available in red and green, with a sturdy elastic band to help keep your life together. Also includes yearly, monthly, weekly calendar sections, notes and sketch sections, pockets for photos and cards, and index stickers for quick acces
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