Wenn ihr wie Doctor Who durch die Zeit reist, dann seid ihr sicher schon mal ein paar Jahrhunderte unterwegs. In diesem Fall solltet ihr euch bei thinkgeek das Doctor Who 500 Year Diary Journal anschauen:

[…] Write your adventures in time and space – Hardback, saddle-stitched journal – 8″ x 5″, 320 lined pages […] As a human, you probably won’t live for 500 years, but who knows? If we can clone people’s dead pets, we should be able to re-shell a human consciousness by the time you’ll need a new body. It’s best you start journaling now! The 500 Year Diary has been with The Doctor since his first incarnation and it has plenty of blank pages for you to record your adventures in time and space. […]

Für knapp 13 USD ist das wohl eher was für Fans.

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