Bei gourmetpens fand ich den Hinweis auf das Notizheft-Kickstarter-Projekt Furrow Books – Versatile Notebooks for Doers and Dreamers:
[…] Simple, clutter free, reliable, and versatile notebooks that allow you to use any ruling you’d like, anywhere within your notebook. […]
Das Wort Furrow bedeutet „(Acker)furche“ oder „Rille“. Der Name soll auch genau daran erinnern:
[…] Furrows are the shallow ditches/lines that you see in a farmer’s field. They typically serve two purposes: irrigation and planting seeds. We feel that our notebooks are similar to the idea of furrows because the lines created by the ruled insert cards serve to fulfill a specific and temporary purpose; once they’ve fulfilled that purpose, the lines go away and you’re left with a thriving field of ideas. […]
Es geht also darum, eine Karte hinter die zu beschreibende Seite zu legen, auf der die Lineatur aufgedruckt ist. Details dazu erfahrt ihr im obligatorischen Kickstarter-Video
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