Archiv für » Juli 2nd, 2011«

Ist jemand von euch zwischem dem 21.07 und 23.07. in Lissabon? Dann wäre das eine tolle Gelegenheit, das Urban Sketching Symposium der Urban Sketcher zu besuchen, deren Homepage ihr unter findet:

[…] Armed with pens and watercolors, urban sketchers from around the world spend three summer days drawing together in the picturesque Portuguese capital by the Tagus river. Field sketching workshops led by local and international instructors, lectures and exhibits offer a unique opportunity to develop your drawing skills and meet the faces behind the online avatars. […]

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Mein Kollege @wintermute42 schickte mir den witzigen Link auf How To: Not Your Ordinary Book Light. Im Artikel beschreibt der Autor, wie man sich eine Leselampe im Buchdesign selbst bastelt:

[…] Friends have regularly recommended books as being particularly illuminating, but I admit that after opening them I was as in the dark as ever. Since I’m not one to let a good metaphor go unmolested (and because design schools seem to constantly create designers who’s job it is to make ugly lamps) I made this. […]

Die ausführliche Anleitung ist reich bebildert. Und bei vimeo findet ihr auch ein nettes Video zur Lampe.

Not Your Ordinary Book Light from Grathio Labs on Vimeo.

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