Leser Tom schickte mir den Link auf das Kickstarter-Projekt ANALOGBOOK – The photographer’s notebook. Dort will Andrew Ranville Geld für ein NOtizbuch einsammeln, das Fotografen und Filmemacher beim Notieren unterstützt:
[…] Analogbook is a set of specially designed notebooks made specifically for professional photographers, artists, and photography students. […] Analogbooks provide the ability to easily record every piece of relevant photographic data. They help the professional archive a plethora of information that they can come back to at any time; whether it be navigating a long-term photographic project, or making a reprint in the darkroom that much simpler. They can help the photography student quickly learn the foundations of the craft, enabling technical self-assessment and a more efficient photographic practice. Analogbooks also provide photography instructors with clear information about the student’s work in the field, studio and the lab, facilitating accurate evaluation of their technique and strengthening participation. […]
Es fehlen nur noch ein paar Dollar, bis das Problem zugeteilt wird und es sind noch ein paar Tage Zeit. Vielleicht hat einer von euch Interesse?
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